Installation view, 4 Spade nel cuore, 2024, Tristebacio Club
Installation view, 4 Spade nel cuore, 2024, Tristebacio Club
Paranoia, 2024, 117 x 176 x 210 cm, glazed ceramics, wood, plexiglass (Detail)
Mi sento vuoto (I feel empty)“, 2024, glazed ceramics, 29.7 x 42 x 2 cm
Installation view, 4 Spade nel cuore, 2024, Tristebacio Club
Installation view, 4 Spade nel cuore, 2024, Tristebacio Club
Exhibition text
Tristebacio Club ist ein Künstlerduo, das 2021 von zwei langjährigen Freunden, Manuele Rezzonico und Nicola Martinelli, gegründet wurde. Ihre Projekte gehen in der Regel von einem gemeinsamen Interesse, einer Emotion oder einem Gefühl aus, die dann in Installationen umgesetzt werden, die eng mit dem Raum verbunden sind, aber auch mit anderen Kontexten interagieren können.
Tristebacio Club is an artist duo founded in 2021 by two longtime friends, Manuele Rezzonico and Nicola Martinelli. Their projects usually start from a common interest, emotion or feeling, which is then translated into installations that are closely linked to the space but can also interact with other contexts.
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Installation views
Installation view, 4 Spade nel cuore, 2024, Tristebacio Club
Paranoia, 2024, 117 x 176 x 210 cm, glazed ceramics, wood, plexiglass
Paranoia, 2024, 117 x 176 x 210 cm, glazed ceramics, wood, plexiglass
Paranoia, 2024, 117 x 176 x 210 cm, glazed ceramics, wood, plexiglass (Detail)
Mi sento vuoto (I feel empty)“, 2024, glazed ceramics, 29.7 x 42 x 2 cm
Le tue parole mi feriscono (your words hurt me), 2024, glazed ceramics, 29.7 x 42 x 2 cm