Bacio Friends Club
You can join the Club now!
As Bacio Collective, we want to be a platform where art can be shown, discussed and networked. We want to create a place that can be accessible and open. As a collective, we are in a constantly evolving process and want an active and future-oriented dialog. Since the beginning of 2021, we as Bacio Collective have curated around 16 exhibitions, works and performances by over 90 artists and we look forward to many more.
In order to carry out our curated annual program as planned, we rely on financial support from public funds and private foundations. The Bacio association functions as a non-profit exhibition space and is tax-exempt. We would like to take this opportunity to thank our financial supporters, without whom it would not be possible for us to continue this project as a collective. Despite the generous support, we cannot cover all the expenses of the annual program. If you would like to support us with a contribution, we thank you very much!
Your financial contribution goes towards the artists' fees and supports the current annual program.
We would like to thank everyone for their support and trust in our work! It means a lot to us. And we are already looking forward to welcoming you to our next event.
Thank you very much and Baci*
Bacio Collective
Free amount
CHF 50
Little Bacio Friend's Goodie (shipping at the beginning of 2025)
*if desired: address for shipping
CHF 100 or more (mention on our website)
* unless requested otherwise
We would like to thank everyone for their support and trust! It means a lot to us.
We very look forward to welcoming you at our next event.
Thank you and Baci*
Bacio Collective
DE Als Bacio Collective wollen wir eine Plattform sein an der Kunst gezeigt, diskutiert und vernetzt werden kann. Wir wünschen uns einen Ort zu schaffen, der zugänglich und offen sein kann. Der Verein Bacio funktioniert als nicht-profitorientierter Ausstellungsraum. Um unser kuratiertes Jahresprogramm wie geplant durchzuführen, sind wir auf die finanzielle Unterstützung durch öffentliche Gelder sowie private Stiftungen angewiesen. Der Verein Bacio ist steuerbefreit.
Dein finanzieller Beitrag fliesst in die Honorare der Künstler*innen und unterstützt das laufende Jahresprogramm.
EN As Bacio Collective, we want to be a platform where art can be shown, discussed and connected. We want to create a place that can be accessible and open. Verein Bacio functions as a non-profit exhibition space. In order to carry out our curated annual program as planned, we are dependent on financial support from public funds and private foundations. Verein Bacio is tax-exempt.
Your financial contribution goes towards the artists' fees and supports the current annual program.
Freier Betrag
CHF 50
Little Bacio Friend’s Goodie
(Versand Anfang 2025)
*wenn erwünscht: Adresse für Versand
CHF 100 oder mehr
Erwähnung auf unserer Website
* falls nicht anders erwünscht
We would like to thank everyone for their support and trust! It means a lot to us. We very look forward to welcoming you at our next event.
Thank you and Baci*
Bacio Collective